Wednesday, April 23, 2008

95 DAYS, 94 TO GO...

Apologies for the lack of blog between multiple deadlines, family emergencies and one horrendous toothache I wasn't in the right frame of mind to write about my quest for a Plus 1. OK excuses over let's get down to business.

Since my last update I've been having a bit of an epiphany and have begun questioning whether in fact I even want a Plus 1 for Ross and Rachel's forthcoming nuptials.

I mean if this Plus 1 becomes a permanent fixture it's really going to mess with my already busy schedule and I will not give up Polercise (don't worry Lana Lang) or any of my other social engagements for, dare I say it, a boyfriend.

And to be fair why should I? If he's lucky enough to garner my attention then he needs to fit around my timetable. "HIGH MAINTENANCE!" I hear Diamond cry - no I prefer NOT SETTLING FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN I DESERVE.
What's wrong with that?

Take my friend Single Lizzie. Prior to this blog she was just called Lizzie but since her scum bag, cheating ex-boyfriend Matt (yes adulterer, your name has not been changed to protect your identity) dumped her she has rejoined the Singleton Club.
But her current predicament got me thinking about the Perils of the Plus 1.

Single Lizzie and the loser had been together for four years and she had no idea he had already checked out of the relationship. When he broke up with her he said he didn't want to be with her anymore, failing to mention that he had been with at least two other girls.

Personally I think she's better off without him. And as my future husband Justin Timberlake sings "What goes around comes around". Let's hope it's an STI.
Now Single Lizzie's back on the market again and I've another mate to go out and bitch about men with. We don't actually sit and bitch all the time - well only when we're really hammered.

I have to give Single Lizzie credit where it's due, she has yet to become jaded despite what he did to her. She is totally positive and is totally up for a laugh.
I'm glad she hasn't let him break her down - roll on the Nicole and Single Lizzie Party Train!

Back to the Plus 1 debate. I know if I don't get a Plus 1 for the wedding it won't be the end of the world I'll still have a great time with my friends - even the smug married Lumberjacks.

And who knows maybe there'll be a few singles at the blessed event to catch my eye. I hear there are two other weddings at the same hotel...anyone up for gate crashing??

So here's the state of play...

POTENTIAL PLUS 1'S - 2 - Diamond is still trying to set me up with the Geek but I'm totally adverse to fix ups so take the hint!


WISH LIST POTENTIALS - Wentworth Miller (as always my lover is still on the list), James Franco (I don't care if he's the Green Goblin I heart him!) and Dave Annable who plays Justin Walker on Brothers & Sisters (I swear he's not the ONLY reason I watch the show...)



Excuse number 1 - He couldn't make it he's stuck at Terminal 5 at Heathrow, he's been there since April. I miss him :(

Excuse number 2 - He's allergic to weddings. I know it's very odd he's been like that since he was a kid. There's no cure unfortunately.

Excuse number 3 - He's at the bar. I wonder what's taking him so long....(look randomly in the direction of the bar and hope they buy the story)

NUMBER OF RANTS AND/OR PANIC ATTACKS - 12 including this blog!

See ya!

Love Nicole x


Anonymous said...

I knew this would happen! A neo-not-quite-but-in-her-own-way-feminist such as yourself could not hold onto the idea of mandatory accompaniment for long.

Such a shame, I was really getting into this blog. Keep the faith! High maintenance often comes at a high price!

Nelson mandellas 50 hotels said...

Hmmm, sounds as if you are throwing in the towel, of course we all can make excuses when things don't go our way, my often used one was/is " Yeah well I didn't fancy you anyway!"
As for giving up polercise, I dont think their is a man alive who would not want his girlfriend to learn this er... skill.
So please, it may end your blog early but my advice is find a bloke who makes you laugh, is good company and who after a few shots is half - worthy of a throw down or a lay or a horizontal tango or whatever it is you crazy kids call it nowadays!!!!!
Ps Wentworth Miller? I think you are barking up the wrong really gay tree there my friend, does he not enjoy musical theatre and the works of Diana Ross? not to enforce a stereotypre or anything.

Nelson mandellas 50 hotels said...

Ps Im in a similar situation myself I have two weddings coming up and I find myself sans + one so if want a "you scratch my back I scratch yours" situation give me a shout. That sounded mildly creepy didn't it?
ps my computers on the brink so forgive for multiple posts.

Anonymous said...

Amy here (Rachels sis)!!
Just want to say im loving the blog...keep it up I know you have loads more 2 write about! We'll all have fun at the wedding!! But really no one can expect you to give up polercise- you are very good at it!! ;-) P.S You can borrow my other half if you want!! xo